The Ask
We need you guys (meaning me and my partner) to lead the Olive Garden account and all that comes with it.

The Answer
Ok. That meant taking over all broadcast, online video, site work, digital ads and any other surprises that came along. Oh, and forge an airtight relationship with the client. And manage a number of teams that work on the account. And don’t let us down, this is an important account for the agency. Ok.

Since then, we delivered. And maybe even more. Anyone who’s run a retail account knows it’s a lot of work. A. Lot. So we’ve been busy. We’re always making something. Or five somethings. So, way too much to show here. But a few highlights below.

The Response
Helped Olive Garden achieve 24 straight quarters of growth (until COVID). 
Exceeded sales forecasts during COVID.
Improved our Pile score from 3.65 to 4.59, prompting our reviewer to say he’s never seen scores this high this far into a relationship.
Maxed out agency bonus last year.
Consistently top the agency’s client satisfaction survey.​​​​​​​
12 Days of Olive Garden
How do we make an everyday offering feel special? Tap into one of the most well-loved holiday songs of all time, of course.
ECD: Michael Straznickas (on all)
ECD: Dave Reger (on all)
CD: Matt Dimmer (on all)
CD: Jayson Szott (on all)
Art Director: Kayla Ducklo
Writer: Eric Guth
Director: Irv Blitz, MJZ
Thankfully we avoided the "we're all in these unprecedented times"/sourced footage spot. Instead, when things started to open up after the first lockdown, we got to focus on a bit of the optimism of what that meant.
Art Director: Matt Dimmer
Writer: Jayson Szott 
Directors: Robert Smith and Jason Rohler
Pasta Pass and Pasta Passport
Online teaser video for the Neverending Pasta Pass promotion that included the chance to win a trip for two to Italy for only $200.
Art Director: Matt Dimmer
Writer: Jayson Szott
Director: Robert Smith
Giant Stuffed Pastas
Teaser cinema spot for the Giant Stuffed Pastas promotion.
Art Director: Danae Belanger
Writer: Madison Taylor Jackson
Director: Robert Smith
Tastes of the Mediterranean
Virtual reality video that transports the viewer into the Mediterranean, the inspiration for Tastes of the Mediterranean. Best viewed with VR goggles, your phone or worst case, here.
Art Director: Matt Dimmer
Writer: Jayson Szott
Olive Garden Catering
Broadcast for Olive Garden Catering.
Art Director: Matt Dimmer
Writer: Jayson Szott
Director: Theresa Wingert, Fiona
Online video announcing Olive Garden's new and improved Meatball Breadstick Sandwich.
Art Director: Danae Belanger
Writer: Madison Taylor Jackson
Director: Irv Blitz, MJZ
Never Ending Classics
Online video for Never Ending Classics promotion--all your favorites, in all the helpings you want.
Art Director: Danae Belanger
Writer: Madison Taylor Jackson
Director: Irv Blitz, MJZ
Early Dinner Duos
Online video for Early Dinner Duos promotion.
Art Director: Courtney Coha
Writer: Eric Russell
Director: Theresa Wingert, Fiona
Giant Italian Classics
Online video for Giant Italian Classics promotion.
Art Director: Brian Eaton
Writer: Matt Conaghan
Director: Irv Blitz, MJZ
Never Ending Everything
TV spot for Never Ending Stuffed Pastas promotion.
Art Director: Matt Dimmer
Writer: Jayson Szott
Director: Irv Blitz, MJZ
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